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What is a CSS child selector?

The CSS child selector has two selectors separated by a > symbol. The first selector indicates the parent element. The second selector indicates the child element CSS will style. The example below selects all elements that are children of the element: The CSS selector using the > symbol only selects direct children.

What is a child Combinator in CSS?

The child combinator ( >) is placed between two CSS selectors. It matches only those elements matched by the second selector that are the direct children of elements matched by the first. /* List items that are children of the "my-things" list */ > li { margin: 2em; }

How to select a child element using a Div selector?

Explanation: Here we use div > p selector which says that div is a parent and it selects the child element p which is the child elements. So over here the child elements are highlighted in color. The child selector for the above code would look like this. Explanation: This code says that the ol tag element is the parent and li is the child.

What is a Class Selector?

Specifically, it selects every single element in the document with that specific class name. With the class selector, you can select multiple elements at once and style them the same way without copying and pasting the same styles for each one separately. Classes are reusable, making them a good option for practicing DRY development.

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